The Ruling Upon a Rented Building Being A Masjid
(O noble scholar) Allaah has blessed us with a centre which our brothers (community) have rented. All praise is for Allaah, it is the first salafee centre in which the five daily prayers and the jumu'ah are established. However, some salafee brothers said that it is not considered to be a masjid since we, the community, do not own the building. Based on this, they stopped praying jumu'ah with us.
"Give my salaams to them and let them pray jumu'ah and the jamaa'ah (the five daily prayers) with their brothers. Give my salaam to them, and my call to them is that (they should) attend, (be with) their brothers and to pray with them, jumu'ah and jamaa'ah. This (building) now takes the rulings of a masjid so long as it is rented for the purpose of salaah. It takes the rulings of the masjid, until Allaah paves the way (for you) to have an independent masjid.
Shaykh `Ubayd al-Jaabiree
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