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Guard your Tongue even from the Innovator

Is it permissible for us to insult those whom the scholars have insulted?

هل يجوز لنا أن نسب من سبه أهل العلم؟


Insulting, no you should not insult. If he was declared an innovator and there is a need to clarify his condition then clarify. Say so and so is a mubtad'i (innovator), so and so has such and such with him. As for insulting then no, no insulting, do not insult if the scholars insulted him, you do not insult even if they judged him with a judgment that is rightful. If you see people being influenced by him in a harmful way then clarify his condition, so that the people can be cautious of his evil and safe from his evil. As for insulting then no, it does not benefit.

السب ، لا ما تسب ، لكن إذا بُدع واحتجت إلى بيان حاله لنصح الناس فبين ، تقول فيه ، فلان مبتدع ، فلان عنده كذا ، أما السب فلا ، السب لا ، لا تسبه ، إذا سبه ، أنت لا تسبه ، إذا حكم عليه بحكم هو حق فيه ، وإذا رأيت أناسا يتضررون به ، فأنت عليك أن تبين حاله ، حتى يحذر الناس من شره ويسلمون من شره ، وأما السب فلا ، ولا يفيد

Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee
Translated by Aboo Zayd Muhammad Sheikh-Elmi
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