Because wealth helps one to fulfill unlawful desires, the temptations of wealth are greater. The opposite is the case with children. Although a person may be tried in regard to them, and disobey Allaah because of them, but the temptations from wealth are more and worse. Allaah Almighty says:
æóãóÇ ÃóãúæóÇáõßõãú æóáóÇ ÃóæúáóÇÏõßõã ÈöÇáøóÊöí ÊõÞóÑøöÈõßõãú ÚöäÏóäóÇ ÒõáúÝóì
And it is not your wealth, nor your children that bring you nearer to Us (i.e. pleases Allâh) (Saba' 34:37)
He also said:
ÅöäøóãóÇÃóãúæóÇáõßõãú æóÃóæúáóÇÏõßõãú ÝöÊúäóÉñ
Your wealth and your children are only a trial (At-Taghabun 64:15)
And: áóÇ Êõáúåößõãú ÃóãúæóÇáõßõãú æóáóÇÃóæúáóÇÏõßõãú Úóä ÐößúÑö Çááøóåö
Let not your properties or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allâh (Al-Munafiqun 63:9)