The laws that Allah has laid down for His servants and has made clear in His Noble Book or upon the tongue of His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) – such as the laws of inheritance, the five daily prayers, zakat, fasting and so forth that Allah has made clear for His servants and concerning which the Muslim Nation ( ummah ) is in agreement – may not be opposed or changed by anyone as they have been laid down to be applied for this Nation for the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) and after him until the Hour [of Judgement] is established.
From those laws is the giving of preference [in inheritance] to male children over female children, and grandchildren, and full brothers and half brothers from the father. Allah has made this clear in His Noble Book and there is a consensus of the Muslim scholars upon it. It is, therefore, obligatory to act upon it with faith and belief. If a person alleges that something different from what the Shariah has stated is better or more suitable, then he is a disbeliever. Similarly, anyone who says that it is permissible to go against the Shariah is also a disbeliever. This is because he is opposing Allah and His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam), as well as the consensus of the ( ummah.) it is upon the ruler to ask him to repent if he is a Muslim. If he repents [that is accepted from him]. If he does not repent, then he must be killed as a disbelieving, apostate from Islam. This is because the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) said,
''Whoever changes his religion is to be killed." [1]
We ask Allah for safety and for all Muslims safety from the misguidance and trials and from differing from the pure Shariah.
[1] Recorded by al-Bukhari, Ahmed, Abu Dawud, al-Nasai, al-Tirmidhi and ibn Majah.