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The Grave of Isma'eel (Peace be Upon him)

It is narrated in the books of biographies that Isma’eel peace be upon him was buried in al-Hateem* (in Makkah), if the grave was in al-Hateem then how is the Prayer permissible in that place?

All praise is due to Allaah alone and may the peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, his family and Companions. To proceed

That which is said in regard to Isma’eel (peace and blessing be upon him) being buried in al-Hateem is not correct and we do not rely upon this in any circumstance.

And success is with Allaah and may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our Prophet and his family and Companions.


* Translators note: ÇáÍØíã - ‘al-Hateem’: It is a semicircular wall on one side of the Ka’bah, the extremities of which are in a line with the sides of the Ka’bah, and distant about six feet leaving an opening. It was originally part of the foundations of the Ka’bah. It should also be noted that it is not permissible to make at-Tawaaf between the wall and the Ka’bah because it is considered going through the Ka’bah rather than around it.

And success is with Allaah and may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our Prophet and his family and Companions.

Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Shaykh `Abdullah bin Ghudayaan
Shaykh `Abdullaah bin Qu`ood
Shaykh `Abdur-Razzaaq al-`Afeefee
Volume 3, Page 207, Maktabah Ma’aarif, Riyaadh 1412H
Translated by Abu Maryam Taariq bin 'Ali
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The Prophets and Messengers
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