The Muslim is not taken to account for forgetfulness
A Muslim assumed Ihram for Umrah and he has a habit of playing with his hair while he is thinking .He did that forgetfully while he was in Ihram and some of his hair came out. Does he have to make expiation?
There is nothing due on him due to Allah's statement concerning the believers, that they said: Our lord, do not take us to account (i.e., punish us) if we forget or unintentionally err.[1] Indeed Allah answered their supplication, because it is authenticated from the Messenger of Allah-Sallallahu alaihi wasallam-that Allah said: Indeed I have done so (i.e., accepted this supplication). [2] Imam Muslim recorded this in his Sahih.
1.Al-baqarah 2:286. 2.Muslim no. 126.
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam
Vol:4 page no.139
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