Is the Trip from Riyadh to Al-Kharj classified as Travel?
While travelling between Ar-Riyadh and Al-Kharj, can the Maghrib and Isha prayers be combined, the distance between these two cities being about 80 kilometres?
Leaving Riyadh to go to Al-Kharj is travel, without any doubt, because the distance is great and because they are two cities, each one separate from the other. However if the journey is to fulfil some need and then return on the same day, then it would appear that this does not constitute travel, because no preparations are made for the journey (i.e. such as packing etc) . Many people go in response to an invitation, or to attend a wedding or the like and they return - and the people do not consider this to be travel. As for those who link travel to the distance covered, they only consider it to be travel if it is more than eighty-three kilometres, so that would be travel according to them, even if a person returned at once.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
Fatawa Islamiyah Vol. 2 Page 435
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