How to end the optional prayer when the iqaamah is called?
If the iqaamah for the prayer is called and there is a man who is performing 2 rak’ahs of optional prayer or the tahiyyat ul masjid (the prayer for greeting the masjid), then does he stop his prayer in order to pray the obligatory prayer with the congregation?
And if the answer (to this question) is in the affirmative (ie. yes) then does he give the two salaams when he finishes his prayer or does he finish it without tasleem (saying the salaam)?
That which is correct from the two statements of the scholars is that he stops this prayer and the matter of leaving the prayer does not need the tasleem (to be made) - and the person joins the imaam.
And with Allaah is the tawfeeq. And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and his Companions.
Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Shaykh `Abdullah bin Ghudayaan
Shaykh `Abdullaah bin Qu`ood
Shaykh `Abdur-Razzaaq al-`Afeefee
Question 3 from fatwa 7347
P313 volume 7 Fataawa of the Permanent Committee
Translated by Abu Abdir Rahmaan Nasser ibn Najam