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Home » Worship and Jurisprudence » Pilgrimage

The Hajj of the person who Abandons the Prayer

What is the ruling on the person who performs Hajj while he has abandoned the prayer, whether it is intentionally or due to laxity concerning it? Does his performance of Hajj suffice him for completing the obligatory Hajj of Islam?

Whoever performs Hajj while he abandons the prayer, if he does so due to rejecting the obligation of prayer, then he has disbelieved according to the consensus of the scholars and his Hajj is not correct. However, if he abandoned it due to being lax about it and heedless of it, then there is a difference of opinion about this among the people of knowledge. Among them there are those who think that his Hajj is correct and among them there are those who do not think that his Hajj is correct. The correct view is that his Hajj is not correct. This is due to the Prophetęs statement: The covenant that is (a separation) between us and them is the prayer, so whoever abandons it, then he has disbelieved.[1] There is also his statement: Between the man and disbelief and associating partners with Allah is the abandonment of the prayer.[2] This includes whoever rejects its obligation and it includes whoever abandons it due to being lax about it. And Allah is the Giver of success.

1. At-Tirmithi no 2621. and Ahmed 5:346 2. Muslim no 82

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Vol:4 page no. 50
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